
a voice to say... Dare

True Story: 

Back in high school I was dared to try out for a sport. 

That sport was 💥CHEERLEADING💥. 

I was great at picking up chicks. My squad was the best and did way cooler things that made me look cool just standing with them. 

My squad did so many amazing things, we went on to become state champs. (Number one in your home, number one in your hearts ♥️)

I miss my squad but I never stopped being a cheerleader. 

A life coach is not only a coach but your number one supporter and cheerleader. 

I want to be your cheerleader, I want to be your encouragement! 

G-O YOU! 📣

So question... How can I be cheering for you and encouraging you this week? How can I do that for your life? 

Let’s get ☕️ and chat. (I dare you 😉)